Well (thats another hole in the ground – sorry) Ok so I won’t keep you too long or ramble on as I sometimes do…
Physio is progressing well and the surgeon is happy tho I am still sleeping in a recliner because of the pain and only for an hour here and an hour there but… it will get better over time – I am alive, so anything else is a bonus! AND with 14 screws and 2 plates I can set the alarms off when I travel – bonus
Ok so we’re past New Year and any resolutions and…
I’m looking forward to starting and completing several Music Academy courses I’ve registered for – excited about that 😃
I’m also looking forward to using my Bose L1 Model 2 with B1 Bass and a Tonematch T4S Mixer that’s just arrived literally (still have to unpack it)
Currently I have 14 songs on the go at the moment in various stages and all progressing well. I am currently porting them from Logic Pro X over to Pro Tools and starting from scratch – steep learning curve but I wanted to.
Songs with titles such as ‘No She Didn’t Sign Up For This’ (a song about domestic violence that I wrote years ago), ‘Life Don’t Get Much Better Than This’ – yes thats a happy country music song (rare breed), ‘The Only Thing Missing Is You’, ‘Sometimes A Harley Seems To Be My Best Friend’, ‘No You Ain’t The One’ plus more…
Now speaking of summer, the suns shining so maybe I should just go out for a ride – hell yeah!!! (hopefully no deers around)
As my song ‘Ride Hard Ride Free’ from my 1st album says…
Head out on the highway, I’m going for a ride,
Got to do it my way, release my freedom from inside,