A Question:So you’re wrapt, you’ve recorded your song and you listen to it and something is wrong, its muddy, how do you fix it?
Listen to Graham Cochrane from Recording Revolution or Warren Huart from Produce Like A Pro and they will tell you Instrument Placement is not just about Left Centre or Right but about carving a place in the frequency spectrum for it to live.
They will tell you with EQ and then Compression you can clean up a muddy mix and bring about clarity, depth and yes a balanced volume, a balanced and great sounding track – your track.
Have a read of my posts on EQ & Compression which includes importantly a frequency chart where instruments live and what to look for.
Part 1– EQ which includes the ultimate EQ Frequency/Instrument Cheat Sheet &
Part 2 – Compression which makes the track or tracks sound even and smooth and I explain which one is best for what.
A Couple of Thoughts:
1:“The person attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere.” – Xun Zi, a Chinese philosopher living around 312 BC, on the importance of focus; Source: Iron Sharpens Iron: Wisdom of the Ages
2: “Stay away from negative people, They have a problem for every solution.” – Albert Einstein
Some Ideas:
1: If what you are trying to do isn’t working walk away, take a break and then come back and try again – Persistence prevails when all else fails.
2: If you want something bad enough you will find a way of getting there – if you don’t believe in yourself chances are nobody else will.
3: And one from Capt. Jack Sparrow… “Crazy people don’t know they are crazy, I know I am crazy therefore I am not crazy, isn’t that crazy.”
Anyway I have rambled on for too long, hey if you see me out on the road say gday or hit me up on UHF Channel 40
Till next time, take care, yours in country music – Leigh